Aligned to Standards
In addition to the benefits that Math Talk has on student learning and student development, it is something that is closely aligned to the standards we teach.
As a teacher, standards should drive what you teach. Math Talk is a component of most if not all state standards. If you are teaching in one of the 42 states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards, Math Talk is a key part of the standards. Within the Common Core State Standards it is the third Standard for Mathematical Practice as well as being embedded throughout the Standards for Mathematical Content. It isn't identified as "Math Talk", but instead communcation in the math classroom. Throughout the standards there are numerous references to students being able to explain and justify their answers. This is Math Talk!
If you happen to be teaching in a state that hasn't adopted the Common Core State Standards, you'll most likely find standards that indicate that students should be able to explain and justify their answers. Again, this is Math Talk!
As a teacher you are required to teach to the content standards. Math Talk is a key component of the standards. Thus, not only should you be utilizing Math Talk because it's good for students, but it is a requirement.
Take a look at Standard for Mathematical Practice #3 from the Common Core State Standards below. Do you see Math Talk in this standard?