Math Talk

Why is it important?

Check for Understanding

Answer the questions below.

1. Select the most important reason for using Math Talk in your classroom.

It's fun and students are more engaged.

It helps develop deeper understanding.

It allows the teacher to learn from their students.

Not quite. Try again.

Correct. The main reason for using Math Talk is to develop deeper understanding. Other reasons include developing communication skills, social skills, and it is aligned to standards.

2. Math Talk is something you should only do if you have time.



Yes! That statement is false. Math Talk is an important part of the standards that you are required to teach. You should incorporate Math Talk into most if not all of your math lessons.

Nope. That statement is false. Math Talk is an important part of the standards that you are required to teach. You should incorporate Math Talk into most if not all of your math lessons.


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